Lectures & Workshops
I lead workshops, seminars and private consultations for diverse audiences in North America and Israel. A sampling of topics includes:
Disconnect to Connect: Navigating the Complexities of a Plugged-In Family
Teaching Children Digital Citizenship & Responsibility
Character Strengths: Nurturing What’s Already There
Love and Limits: A Parent's Guide to Raising Successful Children
Cultivating Resilience: Nurturing Grit and Perseverance
Death, Divorce and Difficult Conversations
Family Cohesion: Implications for Siblings, Parents and Spouses
The "Me" in Mommy: Balancing Identity with Parenthood
Navigating Transitions: Different Challenges for Different Ages
Home: A Place of Peace or Chaos?
Sibling Rivalry: Fostering Healthy Relationships
Style v. Substance: Navigating Differing Approaches to Parenting
ADHD: Finding the Calm Within the Storm
Judaism and Positive Psychology: Torah and Research in Harmony
Mindfulness: Tfillah and Cultivating Connection
Gratitude: The Science and Torah of Happiness
Adolescent Religious Development: Thoughts and Behavior, Spirituality and Ritual
Al Pi Darko: Nurturing Each Child's Character Strengths
Character Development: Who Is Responsible?
School Culture and Environment: What Would the Walls Say?
Cultivating Functional Home-School Partnerships
Can Happiness be Taught in School?
Assessments and Evaluations: Learning What the Students Know
Learn to Fail or Fail to Learn: Resilience as a Strength
Tattle or Resolve: Fostering Social Independence For All Ages